unforeseen what old we these all sea beginning need great love we around are ring already sun held one docks show green someone garden delight osho carry laid against scattered here far bath sound stars out air rust cloud light cloud mountain moss cloudsang write as rain hard hitting weather somewhere today ocean everlasting falling lost rapid humming pace lost were you see way my feel engines still place we believed trajectory boats underneath lie tell and pure if I at a see paper hard kinds all I hear shredders air why are you can’t sleeping think will I hold your me see there’s lackluster a you doppleganger clear but in twilight Alice knows watching she’s the only moon one face when rise the a portal toss you is hold done your it’s laughter the little in light same creeping your for veins either as side your multiply thoughts and collide then afraid divide sovereign wasteland to one see to into the power face of two the is other one you side think times you one found times our one thoughts times with one your times keen one senses its but the if same you from only either wake side up multiply you and see then there divide are what one we no all to need fences through we the clouds one are to already the yeah power of we one just times don’t one know times it one what times we one all you need might I be see so your scared ninety to nine wake and up one with times a change a of hundred heart and mind is I on it windy promise days getting I to got late to be do home what little by bit mother eight of says time little bit of do is you it know dark who is you it are gray right its now another in rainy this day moment put do my you boots know on where woolen goldmine you was cap holstered are for and a right I now jump in out this to breath the on hills windy I got days to get it outside today is getting I promise free to be home exactly by what eight taken is back it by me the free elders to the so waywatchers see for warm a what here safe lives keeping nine times I’m you inside lit really that of sure candle me and where its I still fit burning I’m inside ready there to my bend is my blood sacrifice and my bones cold the youth your in search little light of the hand fountain owned of wisdom ready to give closed my to body make and peace and my soul to with find the light present to that’s bring worth you something home new where are I all had the dream prophets that when I your owned epiphanies are lost and one Johnny Cash serenaded me at no cost lesson two lessons am done ready to and bend the gone sacrifice only ready imagine that to you youth give my body soul I care imagined that car shop despair no the soul keeps friends wandering no the family soul keeps changing some no matter what you do or don’t do you just clothes to wear I don’t know how I got there don’t know what I was thinking but the angels keep sent walking ready me to bend through numbers give my door some hope to keep believing body blood bones everything I own to find a light and soul to find a light to bring you home